School Handbook
- Welcome
- Staff Roster
- Parent Involvement and Leadership
- Communication
- Student Arrival and Dismissal
- Student Attendance
- Special Programs and Resources
- School Safety and Security
- Closure/Delayed Opening/Early Release/Snow Routes/Emergency School Closure/Building Evacuation
- School Health Issues
- Student Learning and Reporting
- Cafeteria
- School Bus Procedures
- Celebrations and Snacks at School
- Beaverton School District Student and Family Handbook
- New Panel
WE empower all children to achieve post-high school success.
"At Beaverton School District, all students belong. We embrace, honor and celebrate our differences — race, color, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and language. We're committed to eliminating the structures, policies and practices that perpetuate inequalities in our schools and causes these differences to become predictors of future success. At BSD, all students are learners, capable of limitless possibilities.”
School Colors
Green and Purple (Historic - Teal and Purple)
School Mascot
Rylie the Crocodile
Nancy Ryles School was named for Nancy Wyly Ryles, who was a vigorous advocate of education and equal rights for women and minorities. Mrs. Ryles touched the lives of people throughout the community. She served on the Beaverton School Board between 1972 and 1978. Voters sent Nancy Ryles to two terms in the Oregon House of Representatives, where she led the successful fight for a law requiring all Oregon school districts to provide kindergarten education for their students. Nancy Ryles was elected to two terms in the Oregon Senate before accepting a 1987 appointment as the first woman to serve on the Oregon Public Utility Commission. She died in 1990, after a battle with cancer. We are proud to have our school bear her name.
-Senator Nancy Ryles in the farewell speech to the Oregon Senate, May 14, 1987
Staff Roster
Click on the Staff Roster to view the 24-25 Nancy Ryles Staff
Due to the ever increasing issue of cyber-attacks we are no longer listing staff or teacher emails on our website. Please use your ParentVue or StudentVue account to contact teachers. For general information or inquiries you may call the office at 503-356-2400 or email us at:
Parent Involvement and Leadership
A Volunteer Handbook is provided by the NRCO and is included in back to school information as a resource for volunteer involvement during the school year. This handbook outlines numerous volunteer opportunities; explaining the position, responsibilities involved, and the estimated time commitment. If you need additional information or clarification on any volunteer opportunity, please contact a member of the NRCO Executive Board or a Volunteer Coordinator or visit the BSD website about volunteering.
Kimberly Criswell-Hernandez–You can contact her at
The NRCO is a volunteer parent organization that exists to promote and enhance the educational opportunities at Nancy Ryles through educational, social, and community programs. All parents are automatically members of the NRCO. Elected Executive Board members serve one-year terms to plan and support membership directed programs and school related events.
NRCO Board
President–Jaime Bennett
VP Communications–Michelle Torseth
VP Programs & Volunteers–Kimberly Criswell-Hernandez
Secretary–Ahna Proctor
Treasurer–Mindy Keithley
Treasurer - Successor- Layne Flaig
Fundraising Coordinator–Rachel Richelderfer
Events Coordinator-Danielle Bade
Member at Large–Angela Delk
Member at Large–Lacey Saleman
Member at Large-Chelsea Hughes
Also serving as members of the Executive Board are the school principal and the volunteer coordinators. All meetings are open to the public. Meeting dates will be published in the school newsletter and on the school website. Minutes of the meetings are available for review.
The Community Partnership Team consists of members of the NRCO as well as members from the community. We invite parents who may not have the time to participate in the NRCO monthly to consider joining the CPT. This team will work alongside the NRCO to support the school. NRCO and CPT committee members will be considered key communicators for our school at district functions. We currently have openings for the CPT. Please contact the principal if you are interested in participating.
For more information about our NRCO, please go to the Connect tab on our school webpage and select "Parent Teacher Organization-NRCO."
At Nancy Ryles, we are dedicated to open, ongoing, and informative home/school communication. Communication between home and school is essential to the success of our students. If you have a concern or question about the classroom, you should contact the teacher first before contacting the counselor or principal. This chain of communication ensures that your concern or question is dealt with in an efficient manner and timeline. The teacher is most familiar with your student, so please start there. You will be rerouted back to the teacher if that step is missed.
Our goal is to keep you informed and involved and to be open to your questions and suggestions. Our communication systems include the following:
Croc Talk Brief, our school newsletter, is published regularly and distributed via Parent Square (or paper copy by request)
Classroom newsletters
Facebook: nancyryleselementary
Instagram: nancyryleselementary
Back to School Night
Parent Teacher Conferences
Report cards at the end of each semester
Staff can be reached via phone or email. Phone calls will not be forwarded to classrooms during the school day. However, messages can be left with the office staff. Please let the office know if you have an emergency situation.
Student Records
Student /Cell Phone and Smart Watch Usage
Students are allowed to use school phones only to resolve emergencies or upon teacher request. Students may not use the phone to make social arrangements or to check in with family members. Students must have staff approval to use school telephones.
Students are discouraged from bringing cellphones and smart watches to school as they may become a classroom distraction, lost, or stolen. However, we understand that some families choose to provide their children with a cell phone or smart watch to facilitate communication after school. Our expectation is that while on campus, cell phones will be kept in back packs and turned off. Cell phones will be taken from students who have them out or use them at school. On the first offense, they will be returned to the student at the end of the day. Any further offenses, the phone will be stored in a secure location until parents/guardians pick it up.
Student Arrival and Dismissal
Adult supervision is provided before school beginning at 7:30 am.
Students are not to arrive prior to 7:30 a.m. as they will not be supervised.
Daily Schedule: 7:45 a.m. - 2:20 p.m.
- Transportation TO and FROM School - Traffic Patterns
- Morning Arrival
- Student Dismissal Plans & Changes
- Afternoon Dismissal
- Traffic Pattern Map
Transportation TO and FROM School - Traffic Patterns
Our students travel to and from school in a variety of ways:
Many students ride a school bus to and from school.
Some students walk or bike to and from school.
Some students are transported by car to and from school.
To reduce traffic at arrival and dismissal times, we encourage students for whom bus transportation is an option to ride the bus. Riding the bus ensures timely arrival at school, and helps reduce car-related congestion and safety concerns at arrival and dismissal times.
a. Drop off/pick up students along the south curb of Cormorant Drive in front of the school. During arrival and dismissal, please travel one way on Cormorant, from west to east. (See the traffic map below.)
b. Please stay in your car as students exit or enter the car.
c. For safety reasons, please make sure students enter/exit on the sidewalk side (not street side) of the car.
d. Please observe and follow the directions of the staff member supervising parent drop off and pick up. Please pull away as directed by this person, in a timely and safe manner.
e. If you need to come into the school at dismissal or arrival times, please park in the neighborhood, avoiding pick-up and drop-off zones. Pay close attention to the no parking signage.
f. To ensure student safety, cars are not allowed to enter the parking lot during arrival and dismissal times, unless it is to access an ADA parking space.
g. And please be courteous of neighborhood homes. Please do not block driveways.
Please do not bring dogs on campus during arrival and dismissal as they create a safety risk to students. This is a BSD policy.
Morning Arrival
Students may not arrive at school prior to 7:30 am. Adult supervision is not available until that time. All students must enter the school through the main entrance. Students who eat breakfast at school must report to the cafeteria first to eat. Students will report to their grade-level designated area until the first bell rings at 7:40 am. (K/1-Gym; 2/3-Library; 4/5 under covered play area.)
Due to safety and security within the school, we ask that parents please say goodbye at the doors. No parents will be allowed into the building unless it is for an approved volunteer shift. We are working to build independence for our students and your cooperation is needed. Staff will be on hand to gently nudge parents to say goodbye at the doors.*On the first day of school, parents/guardians may walk their student(s) into the school.
Student Dismissal Plans & Changes
At the beginning of the year, teachers ask parents to provide information about students’ regular dismissal plans. Teachers work very hard to make sure students leave school according to these plans.
Any change to a student’s regular dismissal plan requires a written note (dated and signed) from the parent/guardian. This note must be signed by both the teacher and someone from the office. The office staff keep track of these changes. Parents are encouraged to plan ahead and make changes to student dismissal plans before the child arrives at school. Students will not be allowed to arrange after school play dates during the school day. If there is a same day change, you may call the office prior to 2:00 pm. If we receive no written note or phone call, we will always honor the regular plan.
Afternoon Dismissal
Teachers escort students to the front of the school at dismissal time. Adult supervision is provided to ensure student safety on the sidewalk in front of the school, in the parking lot, and at the parent pick up areas.
Dismissal is a busy time. If you walk to school to pick up your child or park your car and meet your child, you will need to wait outside the school near the portable building. When you tell your child you will pick them up after school you should designate CAR LINE OR PORTABLES. These are the two parent pick up locations. If parents/guardians are picking up through the CARLINE, please follow the traffic pattern indicated on the traffic map above, found under arrival/dismissal. Kindergarten parents who are on foot can pick up outside of the kindergarten classroom doors on the outside of the building.
Traffic Pattern Map
Student Attendance
Classroom instruction begins promptly at 7:45 a.m. Students are expected to be at school and on time every day that they are healthy. We appreciate your efforts to schedule appointments after school hours whenever possible.
Arriving by 7:40 a.m. allows students to calmly report to class and get settled before the school day begins at 7:45 a.m.
Student attendance will be monitored. The parents of students with excessive absences or tardies will receive a written communication from the principal alerting them to the problem. We will be following ORS 339.065 which states:
If your child will be absent or arriving late, please call the school at 503.356.2400 and leave a message regarding the absence or late arrival. Please call before 8:15 a.m. the day of the absence. If it is not possible to report the absence before 8:15 a.m., please call the school office @ 503.356.2400.
If a student does not report to school and a parent/guardian has not called to report an absence or tardy, a courtesy call will be made to the student’s home to verify the absence.
Vacations are not considered excused absences. We ask that you schedule vacations during holiday breaks and during summer months. Please also note that teachers will not provide homework for students who miss class due to vacation.
Please contact the school office when there is a change in your email or home address, cell phone, work, day care and/or emergency contact phone numbers. We want to make sure we can contact you, especially in case of an emergency.
Late Arrival
Students who have not reported to their classroom by 7:45 am are considered tardy. Tardies are recorded on student report cards. Students (and parents) who have excessive tardies may receive a letter of concern addressing this issue. When students arrive ON TIME they have the necessary time to settle into their day properly. Please help them arrive on time.
A student who is tardy must check in at the office before going to class to get a tardy slip. This procedure not only helps us keep track of student tardies, but also serves to maintain the accuracy of our attendance records. If a student arrives at school after attendance has been reported, office staff must change the status of the student from “absent” to “tardy.” Thank you for your cooperation!
Leaving Early - Please Pick Up Before 2:45 p.m.
If you must take your child out of school before the end of the school day, please send a note to the teacher so your child will be prepared to leave school at the designated time.
If you are picking up for other reasons, please try to pick up before 2:00 p.m. The end of the day can be hectic both in the office and in the classroom. If you arrive to pick up after 2:00 p.m. you may be asked to wait until dismissal at 2:20 p.m.
When coming to school to pick up your child, please report to the school office. You must sign your child out in the office. Office staff will verify the identity of the person picking up, so please provide I.D. when picking up. The office will then call your child out of class to meet you in the office.
Parents may not go directly to the classroom to get their children.
If your child returns to school on the same day, she/he must report to the office before returning to class.
Student Withdrawal
Special Programs and Resources
- Resource Program/Croc Cove
- Speech/Languages Services
- School Counselor
- Talented and Gifted (TAG)
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Student Leadership - Croc Crew, Green Team and DigiCrocs
- Technology Guidelines
- Clothes for Kids
- Lost and Found
- Child Care
- Social Worker
Resource Program/Croc Cove
Our Nancy Ryles resource program staff assists students who have special learning needs and who meet federal, state and district qualifications for Special Education. If a student qualifies through the evaluation process, iInstruction can be provided in reading, writing, math, organizational/study skills, and/or behavioral support. All referrals for the resource program are generated by the Special Education Team process and require parent consent. If you have questions, please contact the principal.
Speech/Languages Services
This program provides services to students with communication disorders. The range of communication problems includes speech (articulation, stuttering, voice), hearing impairments, and language-learning disorders. All referrals for speech/language services are generated by the special education team process and require parent consent.
School Counselor
Talented and Gifted (TAG)
Talented and Gifted (TAG)
Talented and gifted services are provided individually in the classroom to identified students. Eligibility for the program is determined using a case-study approach and includes the use of standardized test scores. Students can be identified as gifted in up to three areas: reading, math and intellectually gifted. Each school has a TAG facilitator. You may contact the office to speak with the TAG facilitator.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Students who speak a language other than English in the home are assessed by the District ESL Welcome Center to determine eligibility for ESL services. Eligible students in grades K-5 attend class taught by an ESL teacher to improve their English language proficiency. The goal of the program is to ensure that English language learners become proficient in English so they can achieve the same high academic standards required of all Beaverton School District students.
Student Leadership - Croc Crew, Green Team and DigiCrocs
Student Leadership – Croc Crew, Green Team and DigiCrocs
Fifth grade students have the opportunity to apply for the Croc Crew and the Green Team. Croc Crew members assist Nancy Ryles students with safety, help foster school spirit, work cooperatively with teachers and staff to encourage safe, respectful and responsible behavior, and develop community service projects. Green Team members work together and with our school community to conserve our resources. They are actively involved in recycling and other programs to encourage the improvement of our school environment and maintain our status as a “Merit” Green School.
Technology Guidelines
Technology Guidelines
Nancy Ryles students are now using the internet in addition to textbooks, library books, and magazines. We are a one-to-one school, which means all students have a designated device for them to use at school (K-2 use iPads, 3-5 use Chromebooks). To support proper use of the Internet by students, the district subscribes to a filtering service and teachers educate students about digital citizenship.
A staff member always directly supervises internet use by students.
Clothes for Kids
Clothes for kids
The Beaverton School District provides free clothing for students from families with a limited income via Clothes For Kids. Appointments are required. To schedule, please use the "ParentSquare Login" button, or call 503-356-4322. Appointments are per family, not per student. During the 45-minute appointment, there is a limit of one adult with up to four children or two adults with 5 or more children. Please come prepared with size information for each student. Volunteers will be available during your appointment to help you with your shopping needs.Clothes for Kids is a donation-based program that is intended as a supplemental resource. As such, the program may not be able to meet all of the needs of all students during their scheduled appointment.
Clothes for Kids is located in portables on the west side of the District Administration Center, 16550 SW Merlo Road.
Tuesdays: 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Wednesdays: 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Thursdays: 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Lost and Found
Lost and Found
The lost and found is located in the cafeteria exit hallway. Labels in articles of clothing, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc., help us return lost items to their proper owners.
Articles left at school will be donated to the Beaverton School District Clothes For Kids periodically throughout the school year. If something is missing, please come and take a look. Each year hundreds of items go unclaimed.
Child Care
Social Worker
A half time social worker is available to consult with parents, teachers, and students. Our social worker supports the social and emotional growth of our students through one-on-one conferences, small group conferencing, and parent outreach. Our social worker is a liaison between the school and community supports (counseling, clothing needs, rent assistance, etc.)
School Safety and Security
- Playground
- School Visitors
- Parent Classroom Visitation and Observation
- Fire, Earthquake and Other Emergency Drills
- Crossing Streets with the Crossing Guard
- Building Evacuation/Student and Parent Reunification
- Student Dress
- Bicycles and Scooters
- Roller Blades and Skateboards
- Personal Property and "Toys" at School
- Pets at School
- Hats and Hoods
All community members are welcome to use the grounds when school is NOT in session. During regular school hours, the school and our students have priority over the use of the fields and playground equipment. The Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District schedule use of the grounds and gym much of the year. If you are interested in our facilities, please contact the main office.
Remember: The school grounds are not supervised before 8:15 a.m. or after 3:05 p.m. on school days and NO SUPERVISION is provided on days when school is not in session.
Playground Expectations
Show Respect
Students will follow all game rules.
When the first whistle is blown to end recess, students will freeze and await further instructions. When the second whistle is blown, students are to quickly place all recess equipment in the ball bag and line up.
Students will follow the school expectations while at recess, and the directions of the teacher on duty.
Students will respect others and equipment (use the equipment for its designed purpose).
Students will cooperate with others.
Students will share all equipment and take turns on all equipment.
When playing a game, the next person in line is the judge. Students must abide by the judge’s decision (if age-appropriate).
Be Responsible
Students will contact the duty teacher when concerned about something or someone.
Bullying will not be tolerated. Students are encouraged to ask for help from an adult on the playground if bullying occurs.
When students cannot resolve a problem with others, they will ask for help from a staff person.
No fence climbing is allowed.
Please do not pull on tree branches.
Stay Safe
Students resolve problems with words.
Students will run only on the field or track.
Rough play is not allowed on the playground.
Students will stay within the playground area.
On wet days, students will stay away from puddles, mud, and the play structure.
Students will only eat in designated areas for snack on the playground.
Personal Property on Playground
Snow Accumulation
School Visitors
School Visitors
To ensure the safety and well-being of all Nancy Ryles students, we must know who is in the building at all times. All visitors and approved volunteers must check in at the school office and obtain a temporary or volunteer ID badge to be worn whenever you are in school.
School volunteers and classroom visitors are required to complete a BSD background check and receive District approval to visit any area within the school where children are present. Please click here for background check information. You may complete this on your home computer or you may come to the school office and use one of our computers. The approval process may take a few days (or up to a few weeks at the beginning of the school year) so you are encouraged to complete this form as soon as possible. School volunteers, please use the computer check-in system in the office and wear your picture ID badge whenever you are in the school.
Volunteers are encouraged to make arrangements for child care for their pre-schoolers while helping at school. For safety and liability purposes, non-school age children are not allowed while you are volunteering. We ask that you please keep your preschooler/toddler/baby at home if you are volunteering.
Occasionally, you may have friends or relatives staying with you during times when school is in session. Students not attending Nancy Ryles School will not be allowed to visit during school hours. Student visitors may come for lunch if accompanied by an adult.School-age alumni may only visit on days when their school is not in session and they have pre-approval from a NR staff member. Alumni who want to visit previous teachers may do so after school hours if arranged with the teachers and must check in at the office, wear a name badge, and limit their visit to a specific classroom where prior approval was given.
Please do not bring dogs to school during arrival and dismissal as they create a safety risk to students. This is a district policy.
Parent Classroom Visitation and Observation
Parent Classroom Visitation and Observation
Parents and/or outside providers (with parent permission) who wish to monitor their child in the classroom may do so under certain circumstances. For example, the child is experiencing difficulties in the classroom and the parent is working with the teacher and the student to improve the educational experience. The visitation is limited to up to one hour and must be prearranged with the principal and the classroom teacher. During the visitation the principal will accompany the parent. Only one visitation per semester will be scheduled.
Fire, Earthquake and Other Emergency Drills
Fire, Earthquake and Other Emergency Drills
Nancy Ryles School will conduct a monthly fire drill. Prior to the first drill in September, students will be instructed on procedures.
In addition, all schools within the Beaverton School District conduct other emergency drills, such as earthquake, Secure, and Lock Down drills to practice what to do in the event of an emergency.
Secure is announced when a potentially threatening situation is happening outside of the school and/or in our surrounding area. The school wants to prevent the danger from entering the school by securing exterior doors and monitoring traffic flow. Parents may not enter the building during this time.
Lock Down is a response to an incident inside the school building that presents itself as a threat to students and staff. To reduce exposure to the threat, movement within the building is minimized and all interior and exterior doors are locked. Parents may not enter the building during this time.
Crossing Streets with the Crossing Guard
Crossing Streets with the Crossing Guards
Students crossing 160th Ave./ Cormorant Drive or 160th Ave./155th Ave. before or after school MUST USE THE GUARDED CROSSWALKS. Bike riders follow the same procedure.
Students are protected at two intersections by crossing guards.
Students must:
Wait for the crossing guard on duty to give the signal that it is safe to cross the street.
Walk, not run, across the street.
Always obey the crossing guard, even if other adults or parents are giving you different directions.
Leave school promptly at dismissal time so that you have the help of a crossing guard.
Building Evacuation/Student and Parent Reunification
Building Evacuation / Student and Parent Reunification
In the rare event that we must evacuate the building and we are unable to return or stay on our campus due to safety concerns, all staff and students will report to the Murray Hills Christian Church @ 15050 SW Weir Road. This church would be our staging area as we await further directions from the school district and/or first responders. This will NOT be our final location for parent pick up (reunification). These details will be sent to you via the school’s Public Safety Office and Community Involvement through ParentSquare. We will be sure to take extra care of children during this transition and reunification process should this ever happen. Please know that we take this very seriously and that your students will be our number one concern in the event of a crisis.
Student Dress
Student Dress
We believe appropriate dress and good grooming allow for students to fully engage in their education. Student clothing should not disrupt the educational process or threaten the safety of self or others. Clothing that bares the midriff or exposes undergarments would be inappropriate at school. Clothing may not have inappropriate messages, phrases, designs or images, communicate profanity, violence, gang affiliation, drug or alcohol use or products or other forms of substance abuse. Shirts with put-down jokes are also not appropriate. The bottom line is that students should be comfortable in their clothing and not be restricted by movement that takes place throughout the school day. We encourage students to always wear shoes that allow them to safely and fully participate in PE and recess activities (flip-flops, aqua socks and heelys are inappropriate). For PE class, students are to wear athletic shoes without black soles. If dresses are worn, students should plan to wear shorts or pants under the dress for PE class and recess. In the event a student’s dress is inappropriate parents/guardians will be notified. Parents will receive information about which are their children’s PE days at the beginning of the school year. Our specials calendar with days 1-8 included are available from you classroom teacher.
Coats, Jackets, Sweatshirts, and Accessories should be labeled with students’ names for easy identification. Volunteers responsible for the Lost & Found look for students’ names and make an effort to return these lost items to their owners. Please be sure to label lunch boxes/sacks, as well.
Bicycles and Scooters
Bicycles & SCOOTERS
Students may ride bikes to and from school (with parental permission) but not on school grounds. Once bike riders approach the school driveway or sidewalk, they must stop riding and walk their bicycles. Please review bicycle safety rules with your child. Students are required to wear helmets. Be sure that your child’s bicycle can be securely locked to the bike rack to prevent theft. We recommend that each bike be individually locked. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged bikes or bike related items.
Roller Blades and Skateboards
Roller Blades and Skateboards
Roller blades and skateboards should not be used as a means of transportation to school. Nancy Ryles classrooms do not have areas to safely store them during school hours. These items are considered toys and should be left at home. Skateboards may not be used on school grounds.
Personal Property and "Toys" at School
Personal Property and “Toys” at School
We ask that students only bring items to school that directly relate to schoolwork. Personal possessions, valuables, and toys should remain at home so they will not disrupt learning or get lost, damaged, or stolen. This includes personal sports equipment and electronics. While exceptions may be made with teacher permission for activities such as sharing, it is strongly recommended that items other than toys or valuables be chosen for these special occasions. We are not able to lock up or otherwise secure electronics and other valuable items. The school will not be responsible for items students bring to school. Toys resembling weapons are never to be brought to school. (See District’s Student Family Resource Handbook for consequences for bringing weapons or look-alike weapons to school.)
Pets at School
Pets at School
The general policy is that animals are not allowed in school or on school property, unless it is an approved therapy animal.
Exceptions can be made for sharing and other educational activities, as long as certain safety guidelines and criteria are followed. Please check with your child’s teacher or the school office for more information. Animals cannot be transported on school buses. Dogs are not allowed on school property at arrival or dismissal areas.
Hats and Hoods
Hats are not to be worn inside the school during the school day, unless they are worn as part of a religious observance. Hats are okay for outside and/or recess time. Please contact the principal if you need such an exception. Hoods should be down as you enter the building and while students move throughout the building.This allows us to easily identify people to ensure safety for our school. It’s up to the teacher’s discretion to allow hoods while inside the classroom setting.
Closure/Delayed Opening/Early Release/Snow Routes/Emergency School Closure/Building Evacuation
Closure or Delayed Opening
When school closures and delayed openings affect the entire School District, they are announced as early as possible. You will be notified via Parent Square with a text, phone call, and email. This information may also be obtained from the Beaverton School District website and/or local news stations. No news or notifications means that school is open!
On a 2-hour delay schedule, school will open two hours late and buses will be on snow routes. Nancy Ryles is one of the few schools that does NOT have bus service when buses are on snow routes. There will be no bus service for Nancy Ryles and there will be no morning breakfast service when buses are on snow routes. Our doors open to students at 10:15 a.m. and school begins at 10:30 a.m. Students will report directly to the classroom. So, if you hear “buses are on snow routes,” this means NO BUS SERVICE for Nancy Ryles students. Parents are responsible for DROP OFF and PICK UP.
Dismissal Procedures for No Buses
The following procedures will be followed in the event that we DO NOT have bus service at Nancy Ryles.
* All students that would normally ride the bus will be dismissed to parents and or guardians at 3:05 p.m. Parents will need to come to the building to pick up their child. Students will NOT locate you or walk up to the parent pick up line.
Locations to pick up your students:
Kindergarten - kindergarten doors at front of building
Grade1 - Front entrance (students will be in music room)
Grades 2-5 - Black Top (Undercover playground area, east side of school)
Early Closure
There may also be times schools close early due to inclement weather. When weather is threatening and you suspect a closure, please check the District website ( for closure information or be on the lookout for text, phone call, and email notifications from BSD. We will not call parents about GO HOME PLANS, but we will follow the emergency dismissal plan you gave us at the beginning of the school year noted in the student verification paperwork. Please keep a copy of your plan. Please make sure you and your child know your emergency plan. Your plan should include how your child gets home for an EARLY DISMISSAL or a dismissal where we do not have buses at dismissal time. You may want to consider leaving a copy of this plan in your child’s backpack.
School Health Issues
- Medication
- Student Illness or Accident
- Sending A Child Home
- School Nurse
- Health Problems
- Hearing and Vision Screening
- Immunizations
- Restricted Activity at School for Health Reasons
NO MEDICATION, whether prescription or over-the-counter, will be given to any student without a Medication Record and Authorization Form completed by the parent. (This includes commonly used medications such as Tylenol, cough syrup, and cough drops.) Prescription drugs also require written instructions from the child’s physician.
Medication must be brought to school by a parent or guardian and must be in the original container.
Pharmacists will provide two containers for medication, one for home and one for school. The label on the container must state the student’s name, the dosage, time, prescription number, and the physician’s name.
Student Illness or Accident
Student Illness or Accident
A sick child needs to be at home to protect the child and prevent exposing other students. A child needs to be free of fever for 24 hours before returning to school. Children who are not feeling well have a difficult time concentrating and therefore do not benefit from the instruction they receive during that time.
When a student becomes ill or hurt at school, every effort is made to contact the parents or guardians or a person designated by you. If we are unable to contact anyone concerning a sick or injured child, we may call 911 if we believe it is urgent. It is of utmost importance that you notify the office of any changes to your emergency numbers and e-mail addresses, in case we need to contact you. If it is difficult to reach you at an office location, a cell phone number is helpful.
The office calls parents/guardians for any serious injuries or illnesses as a matter of routine. When in doubt, the school will call and ask the parent to make a decision as to whether a child should remain in school, go home, and/or receive medical attention.
If the child is ill with a communicable disease, a report from a doctor or Health Department is necessary for re-admittance to school. If you think a child has a communicable disease, please let the office know immediately.
COVID-19 cases are declining in Oregon; however, we must remain vigilant as the virus is still widespread throughout the state. Masking is optional. If your student tests positive, please call your student's school to let the staff know. Students who test positive are required to isolate at home for at least 5 days before returning to school. To calculate the 5-day period, Day 1 is the first full day after the symptoms developed or the positive test result is received. Isolation may end after 5 days if the individual is fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicine and other symptoms have improved. It's recommended that individuals wear a well-fitting mask at school, for 5 additional days (Day 6-10) after the end of the required 5-day isolation period. For additional COVID-19 related information, visit the District’s COVID PROTOCOL PAGE.
Sending A Child Home
Sending A Child Home
For security reasons, parents must come into the office to pick up their children and sign them out when leaving early for illness/appointments. Parents and/or approved pick up people will be asked to show identification to verify identity. Students will not be allowed to wait outside in front of the school for their parents.
School Nurse
Health Problems
Hearing and Vision Screening
Hearing and Vision Screening
All students in grades K-3 will have their vision screened for distance acuity and stereopsis. An optional screening of near point visual acuity and PediaVision Auto-refraction may also be conducted with students of concern. Additionally, all students in grades K-3 will have their hearing screened.
Under Oregon law any student under 14 entering school in Oregon for the first time, including kindergarten, must show proof of full immunization against polio, MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus), hepatitis B and varicella (chicken pox). Washington County enforces the exclusion of students whose immunizations are incomplete. Immunizations may be obtained from your physician or from Washington County Health and Human Services. The phone number is 503-648-8851.
Oregon state law requires students entering Oregon schools for the first time to have the following immunizations:
DPT - 5 Doses
Polio - 4 doses
MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) - One injection after 12 months of age or proof of disease and second dose before Kindergarten entry.
Varicella (Chicken Pox) one dose received on or after 12 months of age Hepatitis A – 2 doses
Restricted Activity at School for Health Reasons
Restricted Activity at School for Health Reasons
If a student is well enough to come to school, he or she is expected to participate in all regular daily activities, including recess. If a student is healthy enough to come to school, but has an injury, condition, or disability that will prevent full participation in daily activities, a doctor’s written directions stating the child's situation and accommodations is required. Students who have restrictions are expected to monitor their own activity while at recess.
Student Learning and Reporting
Nancy Ryles is on a semester system. Report cards are issued twice a year. Parents are also invited to attend parent/teacher conferences twice a year. Interpreters will be provided for parents who request this service. Between grading periods and conferences, teachers continue to communicate with parents regarding student progress and/or concerns and successes as appropriate. Parents are encouraged to initiate communication with teachers as questions or concerns arise.
Homework Policy
At Nancy Ryles Elementary School, we believe that homework is an important complement to the learning process, which takes place during the day at school. Students who learn to study at home on a consistent basis develop strong organizational and work habits, which can help throughout a lifetime. Children who develop effective homework habits experience more success in school.
Homework is out of class preparation or practice in a given subject area which is assigned by a student’s teacher. The objectives of extended learning activities are: to supplement and support classroom experiences; reinforce learning through practice, integration and application; develop initiative, responsibility, and self-direction through independent effort; and foster parents’ awareness of child’s learning activities. Homework is provided at the appropriate developmental level.
Assignments may be one or more of the following four types:
• Practice -- helps students master specific skills taught in class.
• Preparation -- prepares students to gain maximum benefit from future lessons.
• Extension -- helps students transfer a skill or concept to another situation.
• Creative -- challenges students to integrate skills and concepts taught at school by producing a response or product which allows students to express themselves creatively or explore topics of their own interest.
It is generally agreed that children are expected to devote increasingly more time to homework as they get older. A general rule of thumb that is easy to remember is the expectation that children do 10 minutes of homework for each grade level. For example, a third grade student might have 30-40 minutes of homework. If a student is spending way more than the recommended amount of time, we encourage communication with the teacher to come up with a plan.
When children are absent because of illness or family emergency for an extended amount of time, teachers can provide work that is possible to do at home. Students or parents are responsible for requesting homework for absences that span more than 3 days. Reading, Dreambox, and free writing are always good activities to do at home while sick and don’t require a teacher to assign it. For COVID-19 cases, the district is no longer providing virtual learning options.
When parents choose to take their children out of school for extended periods, they assume all responsibility for their children’s education during their absence. Teachers do not provide homework to make up for missed classroom work. The majority of students’ learning in elementary school occurs as the result of the teacher’s instruction and learning activities that occur in the classroom. When children are absent for extended periods, they miss these learning opportunities and may, as a result, not be able to complete some of the requirements missed.
Homework serves many purposes and one of the purposes is to teach responsibility. Students who forget to take their homework or other materials home at the end of the day will NOT be allowed back in the classrooms to retrieve items. Similarly, if your student forgets their homework or other classroom materials at home, please use this as a learning opportunity for your student to bring their materials the next school day. We believe that forgetting homework and other items and accepting the consequences is an opportunity to learn one of life’s lessons. The safest place to make a mistake is in elementary school, where we can work with students to learn how to be responsible. We appreciate your support with this effort.
- Meals and Nutrition
- Menu
- Meal Prices
- Lunch Guests
- Free & Reduced Meal Benefits
- Student Meal Accounts
- Meal Etiquette
- Nut Free Table
Meals and Nutrition
Meals & Nutrition
Nutritious Breakfasts and Lunches are available for all students to purchase each day. In addition, individual components of the meal, e.g. milk, entrées, or salad bar items are sold separately. New USDA guidelines now require that students choose a ½ cup fruit or vegetable as part of their school lunch. A wide variety of fruits and vegetables is available each day for students.
See the District webpage
Meal Prices
Lunch Guests
Lunch Guests
Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their child at school on occasion, but not on a regular basis. Lunch time provides an opportunity for peer socialization, and that may be hindered if parents are attending lunch on a regular basis. Adult lunch tickets do not include milk, but beverages may be purchased separately. Please check in at the office upon arrival.
Free & Reduced Meal Benefits
Free & Reduced Meal Benefits
If a family is experiencing financial need, then parents may complete one application for free or reduced price meals for all students in their family. Meal benefits applications and instructions are available online and a paper copy will be available in the school office, the cafeteria, or from the Nutrition Services Meal Benefits office. The application process and each student’s meal benefit status are completely confidential.
Families may apply for meal benefits at any time throughout the school year, even up to the last day of school. However, a new application is required for each school year. For more information please contact the office.
Student Meal Accounts
Student Meal Accounts
Each student is assigned their own individual meal account which they can access using a Personal Identification Number, (PIN). The meal account is a debit account, so students eligible for full and reduced-price meals must deposit money into their account before they can purchase meals. Parents may deposit money into their student’s account by any of the following methods:
Sending cash or a check made out to the school cafeteria. When making a payment, please indicate your student’s first and last name along with her PIN, on the memo line of the check, or insert cash in an envelope with your student’s first and last name and PIN on the outside. It’s best to deliver the payments directly to Nutrition Services staff in the cafeteria so that the payments can be applied before the next meal. A basket for collecting lunch payments is located next to the cafeteria computer or you may drop off your lunch payment envelope in the school office.
Making payments either online or by a toll free number. Parents can register and log onto or call 800-816-6425 to deposit funds with a nominal fee. They can also monitor account balances and set-up low-balance emails at no charge on- line or via the toll free number. More information is available on the Nutrition Services website or by calling 503.356.3955.
When account balances get low, an e-mail and/or phone messages will be sent to parents/guardians.
Please see the information above regarding easy ways to track your student’s meal balance.
When your student graduates to the next grade level or transfers to another school within BSD, her/his account balance will transfer with her/him.
Meal Etiquette
Meal Etiquette
Health department regulations stipulate that students should wash their hands before eating and are not allowed to share any portion of their meals.
Students are expected to clean up after themselves, return trays to the proper location, recycle appropriate items, and dispose of garbage in the waste. At Nancy Ryles, we also participate in composting.
Nut Free Table
School Bus Procedures
Bus Route Information
Bus Route Information
Bus route information for the Nancy Ryles attendance area is available in the school office or on the Nancy Ryles School website. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s bus, please call the Transportation Office at 503.356.4200
Students wishing to get off at a stop other than their own must bring a dated, parent-signed note to school. The note must be initialed in the office, reviewed by the classroom teacher, and then given to the appropriate bus driver by the student.
Only Beaverton School District students may ride on school buses. However, during field trips, parent chaperones may accompany the class on the bus. Parents accompanying classes on field trips must have completed a BSD background check and be approved by the Public Safety Department.
Because of District insurance policies, we cannot include preschool children on school buses for a field trip. In addition, due to space limitations on the bus and/or at field trip venues, the number of chaperones allowed on field trips may also be limited.
Nancy Ryles Bus Rider Pledge
The Nancy Ryles Bus Rider Pledge is:
I understand that my school bus driver is responsible for my safety, and for the safety of others on my school bus. I understand that I am to follow the bus driver’s instructions and the State of Oregon safety rules as listed here:
Pupils being transported are under the authority of the bus driver.
Fighting, wrestling, or boisterous activity is prohibited on the bus.
Pupils shall use the emergency door only in the case of emergency.
Pupils shall be on time for the bus both morning and afternoon.
Pupils shall not eat on the bus.
Pupils shall not bring animals, firearms, weapons, balloons or other potentially hazardous materials on the bus.
Pupils shall remain seated while the bus is in motion. (No leaning over seats or legs aisles.)
Pupils may be assigned seats by the bus driver.
When it is necessary to cross the road, pupils shall cross in front of the bus, or as instructed by the clear signal of the bus driver. WAIT FOR THE SIGNAL!!
Pupils shall not extend their hands, arms, or heads through the bus windows.
Pupils shall have written permission to leave the bus at other than their regular stop.
Pupils shall converse in normal tones; loud or vulgar language is prohibited.
Pupils shall not open or close windows without the permission of the bus driver.
Pupils shall keep the bus clean and must refrain from damaging it.
Pupils shall be courteous to the driver, fellow students, and passersby.
Pupils shall keep hands, feet, and objects to selves.
Pupils will select a seat quickly and remain seated at all times. Pupils must be willing to share a seat with at least one or two other students.
Pupils who refuse to obey promptly the directions of the bus driver, or refuse to obey regulations may forfeit their privilege to ride the buses.
Bus Stop Reminder
Students riding the school bus will arrive at the bus stop five minutes prior to the scheduled pick up time. Students will load and unload the bus in a safe and orderly fashion. Parents at bus stops are greatly appreciated to help with supervision. The school is not responsible for bus stop supervision.
Riding the Bus is a Privilege
Riding the Bus is a Privilege
Those not following bus rules may lose their right to be transported to and from school. Four things can happen if a child does not follow safety rules:
Bus driver reminds child of the proper behavior and child follows direction.
Child could be assigned a seat for the trip or for the day.
Child could be assigned a seat for a period of time.
Child could be given a referral.
If a student receives a bus referral, parents/guardians will be notified. A child who receives a third citation will receive a one-week bus suspension. Additional citations may result in the permanent loss of bus riding privileges.
Celebrations and Snacks at School
Birthday Celebrations at School
Birthday Celebrations at School
In order to maximize instructional time, birthday celebrations at school are not allowed, but students will be recognized. Food items, balloons, or flower arrangements are not to be delivered to school. If items are delivered to school, they will remain in the office until the end of the school day. Students cannot bring these items home with them on the bus and you may be called to come and pick them up.
Invitations to private parties are not to be distributed at school unless every child in the class is included. You may utilize the school directory for invitations. Contact the office for access to the school directory.
Classroom Parties
Classroom Parties
The NRCO will provide activities and treats for two classroom celebrations each school year (one per semester). Our NRCO provides snacks for the parties. If you would prefer that your child not participate due to allergies or health concerns, please notify the child’s teacher in writing and provide your child with an alternative snack.
Classroom Snacks
Classroom Snacks
Classroom teachers may allow students to bring snacks to school to eat either before or after lunch. Some classrooms may ask that you do not bring foods that contain peanuts or nut products due to the high number of students with allergies. We ask that you please be respectful and not send these snacks with your child. We want all of our students to be safe!
Snack ideas include: water, milk, fresh fruit, yogurt, vegetables, whole–grain crackers, pretzels, low-fat popcorn, rice cakes, bread sticks, graham crackers, whole-grain bagels, granola bars, trail mix, and low-sugar cereals.
Letters expressing commendation, gratitude, or appreciation are always welcome. If you do feel the need to send a gift, please be sure your gift does not exceed $50 in value. Oregon ethics laws state staff may not receive gifts in excess of $50 from any individual on an annual basis. Thank you for your understanding
Beaverton School District Student and Family Handbook
Click here to access the district handbook.