- Arrival and Dismissal Times
- Transportation TO and FROM School
- Morning Arrival
- Afternoon Dismissal
- Student Dismissal Plans and Changes
- Morning Arrival - First Week of School
Arrival and Dismissal Times
Transportation TO and FROM School
Our students travel to and from school in a variety of ways:
- Many students ride one of the six school buses serving our school.
- Some students walk or bike to and from school.
- Some students are transported by car to and from school.
To reduce traffic at arrival and dismissal times, we encourage students for whom bus transportation is an option to ride the bus. Riding the bus ensures timely arrival at school, and helps reduce car-related congestion and safety concerns at arrival and dismissal times.
If you do drive your child to and from school, please follow these procedures:
- Drop off/pick up students along the south curb of Cormorant Drive in front of the school. During arrival and dismissal, please travel one way on Cormorant, from west to east.
- Please stay in your car as students exit or enter the car.
- For safety reasons, please make sure students enter/exit on the sidewalk side (not street side) of the car.
- Please observe and follow the directions of the staff member supervising parent drop off and pick up. Please pull away as directed by this person, in a timely and safe manner.
- If you need to come into the school at dismissal or arrival times, please park in the neighborhood, avoiding pick-up and drop-off zone. Pay close attention to the no parking signage.
- To ensure student safety, cars are not allowed to enter the parking lot during arrival and dismissal times.
- And please be courteous of neighborhood homes. Please do not block driveways.
Morning Arrival
Students may not arrive at school prior to 7:30 a.m. Adult supervision is not available until that time. All students must arrive at school via the front entry doors. Students may enter classrooms at 7:40 a.m. Students who arrive before 7:40 a.m. must report to one of the supervised areas listed below. These options may change.
Cafeteria: K-5 Eat breakfast
Gym: K-1 Storytime
Library: 2-3 read-a-loud
Undercover Playgound: 4-5 walking
Students are to report directly to one area and remain there until it is time to go to class. An exception is made for students who eat breakfast at school or must go to the cafeteria to deposit meal money may choose another location after eating breakfast or depositing money. These students will be given specific directions about how to exit the cafeteria.
Students who eat breakfast at school must report to the cafeteria first to eat. Often, there is not enough time to both eat and go to the gym. Eating breakfast is the first priority.
Only students accompanied by a parent/guardian may wait in the entry area during the first week of school.
At 7:40 a.m. a bell will ring indicating it is time to line up and proceed quietly to class.
Afternoon Dismissal
Teachers escort students to the front of the school at dismissal time. Adult supervision is provided to ensure student safety on the sidewalk in front of the school, in the parking lot and at the parent pick up area on Cormorant Drive.
Dismissal is a busy time. If you walk to school to pick up your child or park your car and meet your child, you will need to wait outside the school near the portable building. When you tell your child you will pick then up after school you should designate CAR LINE OR PORTABLES. These are the two parent pick up locations for grades 1-5. Kindergarten parents can pick up outside of the kindergarten classroom doors on the outside of the building. We thank you in advance.
Student Dismissal Plans and Changes
At the beginning of the year, teachers ask parents to provide information about students’ regular dismissal plans. Teachers work very hard to make sure students leave school according to these plans.
Any change to a student’s regular dismissal plan requires a written note (dated and signed) from the parent/guardian. This note must be signed by both the teacher and someone from the office. The office staff keep track of these changes. Parents are encouraged to plan ahead and make changes to student dismissal plans before the child arrives at school. Students will not be allowed to arrange after school play dates during the school day. If there is a same day change, you may call the office prior to 2:00 p.m. If we receive no written note or phone call, we will always honor the regular plan.
Morning Arrival - First Week of School
Parents are welcome to escort their students to class during the first week of school. After that we ask that parents please say good-bye at the doors before entering the building. We are working to build independence for our students and your cooperation is needed. Staff will be on hand to gently nudge parents to say good-bye at the doors.
Parents who must take students to class after the first day are required to sign in at the main office and must have met the background check requirements. If you feel this is something you must do on a regular basis, please make an appointment with the principal and/or counselor. We will work together to make your child and you feel comfortable about saying good-bye at the door.