Inclement Weather
Closure or Delayed Opening
When school closures and delayed openings affect the entire School District, they are announced, beginning at 5:30 a.m. on television and radio stations. This information may also be obtained from the Beaverton School District website []. It will NOT be posted on our website. If you do not hear the news report anything about Beaverton School District, then schools are OPEN.
On a delayed opening schedule, school will open two hours late and buses will be on snow routes. Which means, there will be no bus service for Nancy Ryles and there will be no morning breakfast service. Our doors open to students at 10:15 a.m. and school begins at 10:30 a.m. Students will report directly to the classroom.
Buses on Snow Routes
On a delayed opening schedule, school will open two hours late and buses will be on snow routes. Which means, there will be no bus service for Nancy Ryles and there will be no morning breakfast service. Our doors open to students at 10:15 a.m. and school begins at 10:30 a.m. Students will report directly to the classroom.
If you hear “buses are on snow routes,” this means NO BUS SERVICE for Nancy Ryles students. Parents are responsible for DROP OFF and PICK UP.
Dismissal Procedures for No Buses
The following procedures will be followed in the event that we DO NOT have bus service at Nancy Ryles.
* All students that would normally ride the bus will be dismissed to parents and or guardians at 3:05 p.m. Parents will need to come to the building to pick up their child. Students will NOT locate you or walk up to the parent pick up line.
Locations to pick up your students:
Kindergarten - kindergarten doors
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Grades - Black Top (Undercover playground area, east side of school)
5th Grade - outside of main entrance
Early Closure
There may also be times schools close early due to inclement weather. When weather is threatening and you suspect a closure, please check the District website ( for closure information; radio and television stations will also announce any closure. We will not call parents about GO HOME PLANS, but we will follow the emergency dismissal plan you gave us at the beginning of the school year. Please keep a copy of your plan. Please make sure you and your child know your emergency plan. Your plan should include how your child gets home for an EARLY DISMISSAL or a dismissal where we do not have buses at dismissal time. You may want to consider leaving a copy of this plan in your child’s backpack.